The Danish Sisterhood of America is open to anyone interested in Danish traditions and culture.
The early lodges of the Danish Sisterhood were organized to provide social and financial aid to fellow Danes in this new land. Today our object is to promote friendship, encourage civic projects, and the promotion and education of our Danish heritage for future generations.
We have many lodges throughout the United States and Canada. Each lodge is unique and offers a variety of activities. These may include monthly meetings, guest speakers, Danish language lessons, cooking demonstrations, card parties, travelogues, films on Denmark, and Danish craft lessons.
To get information on how to join the Danish Sisterhood you can e-mail our Membership Co-chairs Carol Rudisill at or Susan Hoppough at
If you just have questions regarding our organization, you can also send an e-mail to anyone of the officers listed on our Officers Page. We hope we will hear from you and want to thank you for your interest.
Amber memberships offer privileges and benefits including eligibility to hold office and to serve as delegate at a National Convention as well as scholarships, continuing education grants, and camp grants.
The Amber member pays an annual flat fee, which includes initiation fee, national dues, and subscription to the DSSNews. Local lodge dues are additional.
Danish Sisterhood of America