
Protecting Our History:
Partnering with the Museum of Danish America

The Danish Sisterhood of America has entrusted the Museum of Danish America with our precious historical items. In the Fall of 2016, a rental truckload of local lodge memorabilia, national board records and other priceless memories were delivered to the Museum in Elk Horn, Iowa. 

The Danish Sisterhood Digital Library Project is underway. The first batches of the documents from the Danish Sisterhood archive are being digitized and added to the Museum of Danish America's online digital library of Danish-American newspapers and journals. Once online, they will be accessible to anyone who wishes to browse through the history of the Danish Sisterhood through newsletters and ledgers from lodges across the United States.

For more information about the Danish Sisterhood historical items, see the Museum of Danish America website.

If you would like to donate to the Danish Sisterhood Preservation Project, click here and select SISTERHOOD PROJECT in the

Donation Designation drop down box.

Watch our Zoom Training Presentations!

Danish Sisterhood Archival Project

In this video, Cheyenne Jansdatter, the museum's Development Associate & Archivist, and Addison Marsengill, the Digital Archives Assistant Intern, discuss the museum's collection of archival materials from the Danish Sisterhood of America and their progress in creating a digital archive.


Archives 101: How to Preserve your Treasured Lodge History

Coming soon!

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