A promotional kit consists of small Sisterhood items such as membership applications, brochures, bookmarks, heart calendars and what other items may be available. These kits will be available to local lodges for use at local events for the purpose of promoting Danish Sisterhood membership. For example, if there is a Heritage Festival in your area, and your Lodge decides to participate by setting up a booth or table at the festival, you can request a promotional kit by filling out a “Request for Promotional Kit” form below.
After the event, we ask that you send a short written report, including pictures, with your evaluation of how successful the event was in terms of interested visitors at your Sisterhood “booth”. Your feedback will then help us decide if the Promotional Kits are a worthwhile project. Please note that the promotional kit is not for use at District Conventions.
Also available from the National Board, for the purpose of promoting membership, is a $50 grant to help defray expenses for advertising, booth rental, etc. in connection with the event. Please note that the $50 grant is not for use at District Conventions. Click here for the grant application.
It is our hope that this promotional grant may inspire the lodges across the country to look for suitable events in which they will be able to participate.
Danish Sisterhood banners and table cover are available for your events including District Conventions. We pay for the postage to you and you pay for the postage to return it.
Carol Rudisill
Phone: (515) 971-5997
To request a Sisterhood Promotional Kit either submit an Online Request Form below.
Danish Sisterhood of America